Following are the Step-by-Step instructions on how to install Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2.2 on Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.7 64-bit, I will publish CPU and memory requirements also, wait for the update……
First we need to install 12.2.0 and then we need to install 12.2.2 update pack on existing 12.2.0 installation…..
Oracle E-Business Suite Memory requirements:
- ----->Oracle E-Business Suite is about 6 GB for the database tier machine
- ----->Oracle E-Business Suite is about 10 GB for an application tier machine
This will only support a few users (up to 10) including online patching.
File System Space Requirement for Oracle E-business Suite Standard Installation:
----->Oracle E-Business Suite Application node file system 64 GB
----->Oracle E-Business Suite Database node file system (Fresh Install) 90 GB
----->Oracle E-Business Suite Database node file system (Vision Demo Database) 200 GB
----->An Extra 25 GB in system tablespace is needed as a prerequisite for Online Patching enablement.
----->For a Oracle E-Business Suite Single node installation, we require at least 350 GB of space altogether
First we need to download Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.2 Media Pack for Linux x86-64-bitsoftware from
Download following zip files:
We need to create the user and group as following:
[root@apps ~]# groupadd dba
[root@apps ~]# useradd -g dba oracle
[root@apps ~]# useradd -g dba applmgr
Create the Directory structure as following:
[root@apps ~]# mkdir /u01/db
[root@apps ~]# chown -R oralce:dba /u01/db
We need to copy the all above zip files into /u01/Stage/ and change the permission to oracle:dba and
change the mode(chmod 775 /u01/zipfiles)
Create the oraInventory Directory as following:
[root@apps ~]# mkdir /u01/db/oraInventory
[root@apps ~]# chown -R oralce:dba /u01/db/ oraInventory
[root@apps ~]# chmod -R 775 /u01/db/ oraInventory
goto /etc and edit the oraInst.loc file and set the oraInventory location as following:
[root@apps etc]# vi oraInst.loc
[root@apps etc]# cat oraInst.loc
Goto the zip files location through root user and unzip the following zip file only
[root@apps Stage]#unzip
after unzip the above zip file, you need to follow the below steps:
[root@apps bin]# pwd
[root@apps bin]# sh
Build Stage Menu
1. Create new stage area
2. Copy new patches to current stage area.
3. Display existing files in stage TechPatches.
4. Exit menu
Enter your choice [4]: 1
Rapid Install Platform Menu
1. Oracle Solaris SPARC (64-bit)
2. Linux x86-64
3. IBM AIX on Power Systems (64-bit)
4. HP-UX Itanium
5. Exit Menu
Enter your choice [5]: 2
/u01/Stage/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../jre/Linux_x64/1.6.0/bin/java -classpath /u01/Stage/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../jlib/emocmutl.jar:/u01/Stage/startCD/Disk1/ rapidwiz/bin/../jlib/ewt-3_4_22.jar:/u01/Stage/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../jlib/share-1_1_18.jar:/u01/Stage/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../jlib/jnls.jar:/u01/Stage/startCD/Disk1/ rapidwiz/bin/../jlib/ACC.JAR:/u01/Stage/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../jlib/netcfg.jar:/u01/Stage /startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../jlib/ojdbc14.jar:/u01/Stage/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../jlib/ OraInstaller.jar:/u01/Stage/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../jlib/java StageBuilder /u01/Stage/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin
Please enter the directory containing the zipped installation media:
After unzip all the files Stage is shown below:
Verifying stage area…
Directory /u01/Stage/TechInstallMedia is valid
Directory /u01/Stage/TechPatches/DB is valid
Directory /u01/Stage/TechPatches/MiddleTier is valid
Directory /u01/Stage/EBSInstallMedia/AppDB is valid
Directory /u01/Stage/EBSInstallMedia/Apps is valid
Directory /u01/Stage/EBSInstallMedia/AS10.1.2 is valid
Directory /u01/Stage/TechInstallMedia/database is valid
Directory /u01/Stage/TechInstallMedia/ohs11116 is valid
Directory /u01/TechInstallMedia/wls1036_generic is valid
Stage area verified.
Press enter to continue…
Build Stage Menu
1. Create new stage area
2. Copy new patches to current stage area.
3. Display existing files in stage TechPatches.
4. Exit menu
Enter your choice [4]: 4
Now, we start the Installation through root user as following:
[root@apps rapidwiz]# pwd
[root@apps rapidwiz]# ./rapidwiz
Click Next
Click Next
Click Next
Click Yes
Click Next
Enter the Database configurations and Click Next
Select suite licensing and Click Next
Click Next
Click Next
Select the Language and character set as following
Enter the Application configurations and Click Next as following
Enter the Weblogic username & password as following: (password like oracle123)
Click Next
After Validate the system configurations Click Next
Rapid Install wizard will now install Oracle E-Business Suite. It will take 3-4 hours time to Install.
After Validate the complete Installation Click Next
Click Finish
Now, Installation has completed successfully….
Now, we check opmnctl status are alive or not by using the following command
Now, you should be able to access applications home page as following
http://<host name>.<domain name>:<HTTP port>/OA_HTML/AppsLogin
For example: (My URL)
Now, we enter the username and password to access the applications
Also you should be able to access weblogic console home page as following
http://<host name>.<domain name>:<HTTP port>/console
For example: (My URL)
Now, we see the servers details as following
Here we can see following Mange servers in weblogic:
We hope this post will help you to Install E-biz application 12.2