Friday, 22 April 2016

Interview questions related to cloning in oracle apps

1. What is cloning and why is it required?
Cloning is the process of creating an identical copy of the Oracle application system.
It is required due to following reasons:

  • Creating a test copy of your production system before upgrading.
  • Moving an existing system to a different machine.
  • To test some patches.
  • Creating a development copy of your environment to be used by the developers.

2. What is the location of in oracle database?

3. What is the location of in oracle database?

4. What is the location of in oracle application?

5. What is the location of for applmgr user?

6. How often do you clone?
Cloning happens weekly or monthly depending on the organization requirement.

7. When do you run adpreclone on Production?
If any changes made to either TechStack,database or any patches applied.

8. When we run perl dbTier why it requires apps password?
It requires a database connection to validate apps schema.

9. When we run perl appTier why it will not prompt for apps password?
It doesn’t require db a connection.

10. What happens after running

  • It will take inputs and creates xml file.
  • After creating xml file,it runs autoconfig.
  • It registers the ORALCE_HOME with GLOBAL INVENTORY.

11. What does on appsTier?
It will collects all the information about the source system, creates a cloning stage area, and generates templates and drivers. All of these are to reconfigure the instance on a Target machine.

12. What Perl dbTechStack do?

  • Create context file
  • Register ORACLE_HOME
  • Relink ORACLE_HOME
  • Configure ORACLE_HOME
  • Start SQL*NET listener

13. What Perl dbTier do?

  • Create context file.
  • Register ORACLE_HOME
  • Relink ORACLE_HOME
  • Configure ORACLE_HOME
  • Recreate controlfile
  • Configure database
  • Start SQL*NET listener

14. What Perl appsTier do?

  • Create context file
  • Register ORACLE_HOME
  • Relink ORACLE_HOME
  • Configure ORACLE_HOME
  • Create INST_TOP
  • Configure APPL_TOP
  • Start Apps Processes.

15. When we run which script it will call?
It will call which is located at $AD_TOP/bin .

16. What are the parameters are mandatory in RMAN DUPLICATE 11g?

  • db_file_name_convert
  • log_file_name_convert
  • diagnostic_dest
  • event='12345 trace name context forever, level 33'

17. Does clone preserve the patch history?
Yes, Rapid clone preserves the patch history in following locations:
RDBMS ORACLE_HOME: preserves the OUI oraInventory.
10.1.3 (IAS ORACLE_HOME): preserves the OUI oraInventory
10.1.2 ORACLE_HOME: preserves the patch level and Oracle inventory
APPL_TOP and Database: preserves the patch level and history tables.

How to Rollback an AutoConfig session in oracle apps

Each Autoconfig run of creates a rollback script you can use to revert the previous configuration setting if necessary. The script and all backup configuration files from each Autoconfig session are stored under the below location in database and application.

Application Tier:


Database Tire:


To roll back an AutoConfig sessions, execute the following command:


Ref: (Doc ID 387859.1)

How to Make User Run Any Requests Using Standard Manager Except Specific Program Run by Custom Manager?

1) From System Administrator Responsibility navigate to:

 a. Concurrent > Manager > Rule
 b. Create Combined Rule has the following two include lines:
      1. First line: Type: Program
          Application: same application assigned to that specific program
          Name: The name of the program.
      2. Second line: Type: User
           Name: User name

2) From System Administrator Responsibility navigate to:

  a. Concurrent > Manager > Define
  b. Query the custom manager
  c. Include the Combined Rule created to the custom manager Specialization Rule
  d. Exclude the Combined Rule created from the Standard manager Specialization Rule.

3) From System Administrator Responsibility navigate to:

  a. Concurrent >Manager > Administer
  b. Select Internal Manager and click Verify button.
  c. Wait till the verify request completes successfully.
  d. Make sure that the Standard manager and your custom manager are both up.

Ref: (Doc ID 1297419.1)

How to Create a Custom Concurrent Manager in oracle application

Below is the steps to create custom concurrent manager in oracle apps 11i/R12.

1. Navigate to Concurrent----> Manager----> Define.
2. Manager Field: Custom Manager.
3. Short Name: CUSTOM.
4. Type: Concurrent Manager.
5. Program Library: FNDLIBR.
6. Enter desired cache.
7. Work Shifts: Standard.
8. Enter number of Processes.
9. Provide Specialization Rules (you can include or exclude program, id, user, types or combination).
10. Save.
11. Navigate to Concurrent / Manager / Administer.
12. Activate the Custom Manager.

Ref: (Doc ID 170524.1)

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Forms are not opening after refresh oracle apps R12.1.3

After instance refresh forms are not opening in Mozilla Firefox 45.0.2. Before instance refresh we are able to open the forms.


1. Close the browser and clear the cache.
2. Goto control panel and follow the below steps.

Control Panel > Java > General > Settings (under Temporary Files Settings) and click on "Delete Files".

Monday, 18 April 2016

FRM-92050 failed to connect to Server /forms/servlet -1 Applet

We got the error "FRM-92050 failed to connect to Server /forms/servlet -1" while opening the form in oracle apps R12.


Please use the below steps if you face this issue.

MSIE 8 --->Tools > Internet Options >
Security Settings -->Custom Level >
Scroll down to entry "Enable XSS Filter" > Select Disable XSS Filter button.

Difference between Local Inventory and Global Inventory in oracle

The Orainventory is the location for the OUI's Book keeping the inventory stores information about.

*) All the Oracle software products installed on all ORACLE_HOMES on a machine
*) Other non-oracle products such as Java Runtime env's (JRE)

Global Inventory:
Global Inventory holds the information about Oracle Products on a Instance, The inventory contains the high level list of all oracle products installed on a machine such as ORACLE_HOMES or JRE.

There should be only one per machine. Its locations is defined in the oraInst.loc in /etc (on Linux) or /var/opt/oracle (solaris).

Local Inventory:
Inventory inside each Oracle Home is called as local Inventory or ORACLE_HOME Inventory. This Inventory holds information to that ORACLE_HOME only.

What to do if my Global Inventory is corrupted?
If your global Inventory is corrupted, you can recreate global Inventory on machine using Universal Installer and attach already Installed oracle home by option


./runInstaller -silent -attachHome -invPtrLoc $location_to_oraInst.loc ORACLE_HOME=Oracle_Home_Location ORACLE_HOME_NAME=Oracle_Home_Name CLUSTER_NODES={}

What is the difference between and autoconfig?

Running "" script will do the following steps:

*) This script performs the target clone configuration.
*) Run OS utility check (check if "make, cc, ld and ar" executable's are available in the PATH)
*) Create the target context file from the value entered (or reads the value from the context file if     passed to the script)
*) Instantiate all the templates created during the preclone.
*) Re-link ORACLE_HOMEs.
*) Create the database control files (for the database tier only).
*) Run AutoConfig.
This script runs AutoConfig tool to reconfigure the APPL_TOP and the Database ORACLE_HOME.

Thursday, 14 April 2016

FNDCPASS interview questions in oracle apps

1. What is FNDCPASS?
FNDCPASS is a utility for changing the password of user,system and oracle.

USER (sysadmin and  all apps related users passwords):
FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager USER SYSADMIN oracle

SYSTEM (apps,applsys & applsyspub users):
FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager SYSTEM applsys oracle

ORACLE (All 256 modules passwords will be change):
FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager ORACLE INV INV

2. What is 0 & Y in FNDCPASS, FNDLOAD or WFLOAD ? 
0 & Y are flags for FND Executable like FNDCPASS & FNDLOAD where
'0' is request id (request ID 0 is assigned to request ID's which are not submitted via Submit Concurrent Request Form).
'Y' indicates the method of invocation. i.e. it is directly invoked from the command-line not from the Submit Request Form.

3. Difference between apps, applsys and applsyspub?
Apps: is a schema which does not contain any tables of itself. We can say APPS is the shared runtime schema for all E-Business Suite products. It contains all the synonyms of all the table in Oracle apps. But it also contains packages, functions, procedures. The default password is apps.

Applsys schema contains all the tables required for administarative purpose. The default password is apps. All the technical products, database objects are consolidated into a single schema called Applsys.

Applsyspub schema is responsible for password checking. The default password is pub. Applsyspub is used for authentication by having read only views.

4. Where apps password location in oracle apps 11i?
In 11i you might have seen couple of files had apps password without encrypted form.
*) IAS_TOP/Apache/modplsql/cfg/
(Mod plsql Configuration File)
*)  ORACLE_HOME/reports60/server/CGIcmd.dat
(Reports Configuration File)

5.File Which is having applsyspub & Guest user password. 

autoconfig interview questions in oracle apps

1.What is autoconfig?
Autoconfig is a configuration tool that simplifies & Standadize configuration management tasks on oracle application environment.
*) internally call two scripts ( & ($AD_TOP/bin)

2. What are the parameter autoconfig will ask for?
Context file name and apps password

3. What is context file?
Context file is a central repository, which stores all application configuration information. The name is like _ .xml

4. How you will find autoconfig is enabled/not for u r applications?
a) Open any env / configuration files, the first few lines will tell u that these files are maintained by autoconfig.
b) If contextname.xml file is there in APPL_TOP/admin

5. How autoconfig will create env and configuration files?
Autoconfig will go to each and every top template directory take the templates from there and fill the values from xml file and create the required files.

6. In how many phases autoconfig will run?
*) NSTE8 - Instantiates AutoConfig template files to the AutoConfig configuration files specified in the relevant template driver files.
*) INSTE8_SETUP - Executes setup scripts that carry out activities not involving connection to the database.
*) INSTE8_PROFILE - Executes setup scripts that update profile options.
*) INSTE8_APPLY - Executes setup scripts that carry out activities involving updates to the database.

7. What is the location of adconfig log file?

8. Is it possible to restore a autoconfig run?
Partially. Adconfig will create a restore script at $APPL_TOP/admin//out/. This will copy the backed up files before autoconfig run to its original locations. But the profile values updated in the database can’t be restored back.

9. How to run autoconfig in test mode? script at AD_TOP/bin. This script will run autoconfig in test
mode and create the difference file which tells us what is going to change, when u actually run autoconfig.

10. How to find autoconfig is enabled or not for database?
If we have appsutil directory under RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

How to change the apps password in oracle apps R12.2.4

Below steps to change the apps password in oracle apps R12.2.4

1. Shut down the application tier services

2. Change the APPLSYS password.
FNDCPASS apps/<existing apps passwd>  0 Y system/<system password> SYSTEM APPLSYS <new apps passwd>

FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager SYSTEM APPLSYS newpasswd

3. Start AdminServer using the $INST_TOP/admin/scripts/
Note:Don't start any other application tier services.

4. Change the "apps" password in WLS Datasource as follows:

Log in to WLS Administration Console. (http:/
Click Lock & Edit in Change Center.
In the Domain Structure tree, expand Services, then select Data Sources.
On the "Summary of JDBC Data Sources" page, select EBSDataSource.
On the "Settings for EBSDataSource" page, select the Connection Pool tab.
Enter the new password in the "Password" field.
Enter the new password in the "Confirm Password" field.
Click Save.

5. Check whether you are able to connect to db using apps
sqlplus apps/<newpassword>

6. Before Starting all the services. Run Autoconfig.

7. Now start all the services on application tier.

Note: These steps must be carried out on the run file system.

Monday, 11 April 2016

Project Costing Request Set is failing APP-FND-00806


We are getting below error while submitting Request set in oracle apps.

APP-FND-00806: The default value SELECT APPLICATION_NAM
invalid for the Source Application segment. Your default
value will be ignored. Please inform your system
administrator that.


To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. Logon to the Application using your "System Administrator    Responsibility"
2. Navigate to "Concurrent Set"
3. Query and find your request set
4. Select the Link Stages button
5. Set the Start Stage field.
   Select LOV ==> select the correct process
6. Select Save.
7. Retest the issue.

Ref: (Doc ID 2030023.1)

APP-FND-00706: Routine FDFAVS3: : Detected a data error


We are getting below error while submitting the concurrent request in oracle apps 11i.


The Developer Test Mode diagnostics is not intended to be enabled except for specific cases or if instructed by Oracle Support. The solution is to set the profile option value to 'No' or to remove the value so that the default of 'No' will be picked at runtime.

1. Change the "FND: Developer Mode" profile value to 'No'.
2. Log out and back into the application.

Ref: (Doc ID 415165.1) & (Doc ID 400735.1)

Monday, 4 April 2016

Log files location in oracle apps 11i, R12.1 and R12.2

Log files location in oracle apps 11i:

Start/Stop script log files location:

OPMN log file location:

Apache, Jserv, JVM log files locations:

Concurrent log file location:

Patch log file location:

Worker Log file location:

AutoConfig log files location:
Application Tier:

Database Tier:

Error log file location:
Application Tier:

Database Tier :

In R12, the log files are located in $LOG_HOME (which translates to $INST_TOP/logs):

Concurrent logs location:
$LOG_HOME/appl/conc - > location for concurrent requests log and out files
$LOG_HOME/appl/admin - > location for mid tier startup scripts log files

Apache Logs (10.1.3 Oracle Home which is equivalent to iAS Oracle Home - Apache, OC4J and OPMN):
$LOG_HOME/ora/10.1.3/Apache - > Location for Apache Error and Access log files
$LOG_HOME/ora/10.1.3/j2ee - > location for j2ee related log files
$LOG_HOME/ora/10.1.3/opmn - > location for opmn related log files

Forms & Reports related logs (10.1.2 Oracle home which is equivalent to 806 Oracle Home)

Startup/Shutdown Log files location:

Patch log files location:

Clone and AutoConfig log files location:
Database tier: 
RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/< context >/StageDBTier_< timestamp >.log

Application tier:
$INST_TOP/admin/log/StageAppsTier_< timestamp >.log

Where the logs for the are located? 
$INST_TOP/admin/log/MakeAppsUtil_< timestamp >.log

Log files location in R12.2:

Log files of Online patching (adop) in EBS R12.2:

The adop log files are located on the non-editioned file system (fs_ne), under:

This log directory will contain patch logs, patch lgi and patch worker logs.
adop(phase=fs_clone) Online pathcing filesystem cloning process related log files are found under:

Autoconfig log files location:
Applicaion Tier:

Database Tier: 

Log files for start/stop of services from $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME:
In below directory we will find log files related to start/stop process of oacore, forms, apache, opmn,
weblogic admin server/node manager:


Log/Out files for Concurrent programs/managers location:
Log files: $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG (or $NE_BASE/inst/<CONTEXT_NAME>/logs/appl/conc/log)
Out files: $APPLCSF/$APPLOUT (or $NE_BASE/inst/<CONTEXT_NAME>/logs/appl/conc/out)

OPMN and OHS processes log file location:
Below directory contains log files related OPMN process(opmn.log),
OPMN Debug logs(debug.log), HTTP Transaction logs (access.log),security settings related logs.


Node Manager log file location in R12.2:
Log file is generated by Node Manager and contains data for all domains that
are controlled by Node Manager on a given physical machine.


Weblogic log files location:
Initial settings for AdminServer and Domain level information is written in this log file.


Log files for server processes initiated through Weblogic in Oracle R12.2.4 are in below location:
Stdout and stderr messages generated by the forms, oafm and oacore services are located
at NOTICE severity level or higher are written by Weblogic Node Manager to below directory.


R12 - Logon is not working, no error message is shown

After the clone of an E-Business Suite Instance, the logon was not working as expected on the target Instance.


To implement the solution, please execute the following steps :

1. Open a new Shell and source the APPS User Environment.

2. Change into the $FND_TOP Patch directory.
cd $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin

3. Compile the JSP files using following command :
perl --compile --flush -p2

4. Initiate the execution of Autoconfig on the DB- and the APPS_Tier(s)

5. Start the APPS-Tier(s) Services again and re-test the logon.

Ref: (Doc ID 435550.1)