Monday, 23 January 2017

EBS R12.2.5 To R12.2.6 Upgrade Patch: 21900901-peposasd.sql Errors with "The call_procedure does not e xist in the call_package" ORA-06512

When attempting to apply 12.2.6 patch: 21900901:oracle e-business suite 12.2.6 release update pack the following error occurs.

(XX_HR_USER_HOOK_PKG.POSITION_BEFORE_UPDATE_BK2) The call_package does not exist in the database. Code to carry out this hook call has not been created.

DELETE_POSITION(Business Process API) successful.
BEGIN hr_api_user_hooks_utility.clear_hook_report; END;

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-06501: PL/SQL: program error
ORA-06512: at "APPS.HR_API_USER_HOOKS_UTILITY", line 891
ORA-06512: at line 1


To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. Run the following sql.


This will provide you a list of the user hooks, procedures and enabled_flag values

From this table, update the user hook in question and set it to 'N.'

2. Run the following in sql:

cd $PER_TOP/admin/sql
Log into SQLPLUS as the APPS user
SQL> @hrahkall.sql

This will clear up the child process that are still enabled.

3. Restart the failed worker and allow the patch to complete.

4. Properly create your user hook.

Ref  Doc ID 2196150.1

How To Grant / Revoke Privileges For Multiple Discoverer Applications Users / Responsibilities In Batch Mode

In an Oracle Application mode EUL, privileges are usually granted or revoked using Discoverer Administration Edition.
The Discoverer Administration Edition will process one user or responsibility at a time.
Is is possible to grant or revoke the privileges for multiple users / responsibilities in batch mode?


Privileges can also be granted or revoked using a Java Command Line utility called EULAPI.
This EULAPI utility is shipped with the Oracle Application Server and has to be executed from the Discoverer server / middle tier environment.

For more information, please refer to the following document:

Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer EUL Command Line for Java User's Guide 10g Release 2 (
Part # B13919-03
Ch 2 Discoverer EUL Command Line for Java Reference

Example 1: To revoke save workbook to database from a responsibility:

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/eulapi \
-connect SYSADMIN/<sysadmin_password>@database \
-eul EUL_US \
-apps_user \
-apps_responsibility "System Administrator" \
-apps_gwuid "APPLSYSPUB/PUB" \
-apps_fndnam APPS \
-revoke_privilege \
-privilege save_workbook_database -role "Discoverer Workbook Management"

Example 2: To grant schedule privilege to users JOE and JCHAN

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/eulapi \
-connect SYSADMIN/<sysadmin_password>@database \
-eul EUL_US \
-apps_user \
-apps_responsibility "System Administrator" \
-apps_gwuid "APPLSYSPUB/PUB" \
-apps_fndnam APPS \
-grant_privilege \
-privilege schedule_workbook \
-user JOE \
-user JCHAN

Example 3: To revoke Save workbook to database, scheduling and sharing workbook in Applications mode EUL

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/eulapi \
-connect SYSADMIN/<sysadmin_password>@database \
-eul EUL_US \
-apps_user \
-apps_responsibility "System Administrator" \
-apps_gwuid "APPLSYSPUB/PUB" \
-apps_fndnam APPS \
-revoke_privilege \
-privilege save_workbook_database \
-privilege schedule_workbook \
-privilege grant_workbook  \
-user "Joe Smith"

1.The above commands need to be in one continuous line. or separated into multiple lines with continuation character "\" .

2. Roles and Responsibilities should be case sensitive and enclosed in double quotes as long as they have multiple words.

Ref Doc ID 420357.1