Thursday, 31 March 2016

Creating a Custom Application in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2

Section 1: Create A Custom Application Using adsplice:

1. Download Patch 3636980 "Support Diagnostics (IZU) patch for AD Splice" from My Oracle Support.

2. Manually copy the three .txt files from the 3636980\izu\admin directory to your own temporary directory.

3. Rename izuprod.txt to <CUSTOM MODULE>prod.txt. In this example, we will be using "xxmzprod.txt".

4. Rename izterr.txt to <CUSTOM MODULE>terr.txt. In this example, we will be using "xxmzterr.txt".

5. Open newprods.txt in a text editor.
a) Change all references of "izu" to <custom module> and all references of "IZU" to <CUSTOM MODULE> (i.e. keep the case sensitivity).

6. Open xxmzprod.txt in a text editor.
a) Change all references of "izu" to <custom module> and all references of "IZU" to <CUSTOM MODULE> (keeping the case sensitivity).
b) Change all references to prodid 278 to your own application ID.

7.Open xxmzterr.txt in a text editor.
a) Change all references of "izu" to <custom module> and all references of "IZU" to <CUSTOM MODULE> (keeping the case sensitivity).
b) Change the text "Oracle_Support_Diagnostic_Tools" to be "xxmz_custom_app".

8. Copy the following text files to the $APPL_TOP/admin directory:
a) xxmzprod.txt
b) xxmzterr.txt
c) newprods.txt

9. Change directory to the admin directory under $APPL_TOP

10. Run AD Splice

AD Splice must be run from the admin directory under APPL_TOP, and is invoked by running the command:
$ adsplice

When prompted for the following, you can press Enter to accept the default location:
Enter the directory where your AD Splicer control file is located.
The default directory is [/oracle/VIS/apps/apps_st/appl/admin] :
When prompted for the following, you can press Enter to accept the default filename:
Please enter the name of your AD Splicer control file [newprods.txt] :
When prompted for the following, you can press Enter to accept the default value and regenerate the environment file:
Do you wish to regenerate your environment file [Yes] ?
AutoConfig will be run automatically as part of this procedure.

11. Review the AD Splice log file to ensure the procedure completed successfully.

12. Review the AutoConfig log file to ensure the procedure completed successfully.

Section 2: Verify Creation of Custom Product in the Database:

1. SQL>select * from fnd_application where application_short_name = 'XXMZ';
2. SQL>select * from fnd_product_installations where APPLICATION_ID = 50201;
3. SQL>select * from dba_users where username = 'XXMZ';
4. $ env | grep XXMZ
5. $ ls $XXMZ_TOP (admin log mesg out sql)

Section 3: Perform Required Steps on Application Tier Nodes:

1. For shared APPL_TOP installations, simply run AutoConfig for the remaining nodes (there is no     need to rerun AD Splice). Or, if the APPL_TOP is not shared, repeat       Steps 8 to 12 in Section 1 on all the other nodes.
2. Restart the application tier services.
3. Test operation thoroughly to confirm the effect of your changes.

Section 4: Create Custom Objects:

1. SQL>grant all privileges on myTable to apps;
2. SQL>create synonym myTable for XXMZ.myTable;>

Section 5: Propagate Changes to Other File System:

When you start the next online patching cycle, the prepare phase will run AD Splice sync-up actions to synchronize the two file systems.
If the AD Splice sync-up fails when the prepare phase is run, check the $APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK/log/adsplicelog log file for the following:


Section 6: Known Issues:

The following are currently known issues:

If you are an upgrade customer with a custom product top in the context file, but have not run AD Splice, you must:

1. Remove the relevant entry from the FND_OAM_CONTEXT_CUSTOM table.
   a) Run AutoConfig on all nodes.
   b) Apply the latest AD-TXK release update pack as needed.
   c) Run AD Splice to add/register the custom product.

2. A custom schema abbreviation cannot exceed eight characters. If you have any custom context variables with more than eight characters, you must take the same    actions for the above known issue (custom product top in context file).

3. If you have custom product tops from an older release, the FND_OAM_CONTEXT_CUSTOM table will have entries for them. If you do not want those custom product tops,    remove the entries from the FND_OAM_CONTEXT_CUSTOM table and then run AutoConfig.

Section 7: References:

For more information about AD Splice and patching operations in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2, see:
1. Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide, Part No. E22953
2. Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide, Part No. E22954

Ref: (Doc ID 1577707.1)

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