Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide for a full description of adop features, operation, and usage.
The phase parameter specifies the parts (phases) of the online patching cycle to be executed. The five standard phases are executed in the order shown below.
Standard phases:
prepare - Prepare the instance for patch application.
apply - Apply patches (to the patch edition).
finalize - Ready the instance for cutover.
cutover - Make the patch edition the new run edition.
cleanup - Drop obsolete objects and data from old editions.
There are also three special phases, for use when needed.
Special phases:
abort - Abort the current online patching cycle.
actualize_all - Create actual copies of all code objects in the patch edition.
fs_clone - Copy the run file system to the patch file system.
General parameters applicable to all phases:
workers=<number> [default: computed]
Number of parallel workers used to execute tasks. Default value is computed principally according to number of available CPU cores.
As well as being entered directly on the command line, adop parameters can be specified in a text file, with one <parameter>=<value> on each line of the file. Command line parameters override input file parameters.
[default: event]
Controls the level of diagnostic log detail displayed on the console.
prompt=(yes|no) [default: yes]
Specifies whether adop should prompt for user input on warnings. By default adop will ask user whether to continue or exit on some warning messages. If this parameter is set to "no" adop will remain fully non-interactive, and will continue past any warning messages without user confirmation.
Phase-specific parameters control operation of a particular phase:
Apply parameters:
This parameter specifies a comma-separated list of patches to be applied. Patches can be specified either as the patch number or by the patch directory and driver file. All patches are expected to be in the $PATCH_TOP directory on all tiers. Patches are applied serially unless the merge=yes parameter is specified.
restart=(yes|no) [default: no]
Use restart=yes to resume the previous failed apply command from where processing terminated.
abandon=(yes|no) [default: no]
Use abandon=yes to abandon the previous failed apply command and start a new apply command.
apply_mode=(online|downtime|hotpatch) [default: online]
Use online mode to apply a patch to the patch edition during an online patching cycle; downtime mode to apply a patch to the run edition when application services are down; and hotpatch mode to apply a patch to the run edition when application services are up. Only use hotpatch mode when explicitly directed by documentation.
apply=(yes|no) [default: yes]
To run adop in test mode (without applying any patches), use apply=no
Advanced options to control patching behavior.
See adop -examples for details.
Advanced flags to control patching behavior.
See adop -examples for details.
Finalize parameters:
finalize_mode=(full|quick) [default: quick]
Quick mode will provide the shortest execution time, by skipping non-essential actions. Full mode performs additional actions such as gathering statistics that may improve performance after cutover.
Cutover parameters:
mtrestart=(yes|no) [default: yes].
Specifies whether to restart application tier servers after cutover. Leave at default unless you need to perform manual steps during the cutover downtime.
cm_wait=<minutes> [default: forever]
Specifies the number of minutes to wait for Concurrent Manager shutdown. Adop cutover starts by requesting a concurrent manager shutdown and then waits for in-progress requests to complete.
If Concurrent Manager does not shutdown within the specified time limit, remaining concurrent requests will be killed and cutover will proceed.
Cleanup parameters:
cleanup_mode=(full|standard|quick) [default: standard]
Quick mode provides the shortest execution time, by skipping non-essential actions. Standard mode performs additional processing to drop obsolete code objects from old editions.
Full mode performs additional processing to drop empty database editions and unused table columns.
Fs_clone parameters:
force=yes/no [default: no]
Use force=yes to restart a previous failed fs_clone command from the beginning. By default fs_clone will restart where it left off.
Command flags:
-status [<session_id>]
Display status of the latest adop session, or a specified session.
Runs ADOP validations for verifying the current system state.
Display extended help information with common usage examples.
This help screen.
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